有機黃蜂蠟 Organic Yellow Beeswax Pearls 50 g



- Golden in color with their naturally mild sweet aroma. - Filtered to be free of debris - Ideal for use in all DIY products including all candles, lip balms and more! - ECOSERT SA certified organic


DIY Lip Balm


  1. Measure the shea butter and beeswax and pour them into a double boiler.
  2. Turn the heat on low and let the oils and wax melt completely.
  3. Remove from the pan from heat and stir in essential oils.
  4. Pour the mixture into the upright tubes.
  5. Allow the lip balm to set and then cap the containers. Can place them in refrigerator to set.


  • 1茶羹蜂蠟
  • 3茶羹乳木果
  • 1茶羹基底油
  • 維他命E
  • 精油

❊ 將乳木果油,基底油及蜂蠟熱熔

❊ 加入精油

❊ 倒入唇膏管中


  • Natural product. Color and size of pearls might vary from batch to batch. External use only. Please store in cool dark place away from sunlight.
  • 只供外用,請勿讓陽光直射。天然產品,色澤及大小會有浮動,敬請留意。
