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棒棒按摩基底油 Marvelous Massage Carrier Oil Blend (2 oz / 60 ml)



Marvelous Massage is one of our favorite carrier oil blends and the name says it all. Created with you in mind, this is one amazing massage blend that was formulated specifically for body work. Once you use Marvelous Massage it will be hard to go back to any other massage blend. - 絕對適合任何按摩 - 含有荷荷芭油,白芒花油等,可以幫助滋潤肌膚,令皮膚恢復柔軟順滑。


It contains Sweet Almond Carrier Oil, which softens and conditions dry, irritated skin. Fractionated Coconut Carrier Oil provides great “slip” and Golden Jojoba Carrier Oil has excellent sebum balancing abilities. Meadowfoam Carrier Oil has superior moisturizing properties and Sunflower Carrier Oil is rich in Vitamins A, B, D and E.

❊ 甜杏仁油令皮膚柔軟,滋潤受損肌膚。

❊ 分餾椰子油令皮膚保持絲滑感覺。

❊ 黃金荷荷芭油可以保持油水平衡。

❊ 白芒花油非常滋潤,含大量維生素E,生育酚,胡蘿蔔素與植物固醇等,令皮膚柔軟飽滿。

❊  葵花籽油含有豐富維他命 A, B, D, E. 

Almond Carrier Oil, Fractionated Coconut Carrier Oil, Jojoba Carrier Oil, Meadowfoam Oil, Organic Sunflower Oil, and Vitamin E Oil.



Directions 方法:
- Use as massage oil and blend with favorite essential oil in a 2 - 3% dilution for adults, 0.5% - 1% for 2 years and above.
- Can be used with beeswax and shea butter for an ultra moisturizing balm in the winter. 
- Skin is nourished with its perfect mix of beneficial fatty acids. 

❊ 可以加入喜愛的精油,稀釋精油到2-3% (成人),0.5 - 1% (2歲以上)

❊ 可以加入蜂蠟跟乳木果油製成超級滋潤的軟膏。

❊ 健康油脂有助滋潤修復皮膚。


Please note that essential oils are aromatic compounds and different people react differently to the same product. SOFE Aromatherapy does not guarantee the efficacy of the product on different individuals. 

口服精油是不建議的。請勿讓兒童觸摸。如正在使用藥物,懷孕或哺乳中或患有g6pd 蠶豆症人士,請先諮詢醫生意見。此產品並不是用來診斷,治療或預防任何疾病。由於精油純露屬於揮發性芳香物質,每個人的反應不一,Sofe Aromatherapy並不保證在不同人士身上產品功效的一致性。
