開心狗狗精油套裝 Happy Doggy Combo Set (Confident K9 Essential Oil Blend x 1 + Paw Balm x 1))



Confident K9 essential oil blend 複方精油: Strength of Aroma: Strong 強香氣 Aromatic Scent: A sweet, lush, floral aroma with subtle woodsy hints 帶有木香的花香主調 KidSafe®:No Paw Balm修護霜: Aromatic Scent: Sweet Lavender scent with earthy undertones 一絲草本的薰衣草味道 KidSafe®:Yes 兒童安全


Confident K9 Essential Oil Blend 複方精油:

  • For dogs who struggle with being alone.  y有助減低分離焦慮。
  • Help promote relaxation, support confidence, and soothe worry. 安撫,增加自信,平復情緒。
  • Help with behavioral issues ranging from excessive barking or shaking to chewing on belongings or clawing at your front door.幫助改善不停吠叫,顫抖或亂咬物品等行為。


Orange Blood Peel Oil, Cedarwood Atlas Wood Oil, Vetiver Root Oil, Ylang Ylang Flower Oil, Rose Flower Extract



Paw Balm修復霜:

  • Help soothe, nourish, and comfort irritated and lack-luster paws. 對於乾燥受損小爪有修復,滋潤作用。
  • This blend of protective beeswax, hydrating carrier oils, and soothing essential oils creates a moisturizing barrier and helps to restore skin health. 由蜂蠟,滋潤基底油及舒緩性精油而成的修復霜有助皮膚恢復健康。


Coconut Oil, Jojoba Seed Oil, Olive Fruit Oil, Beeswax, Tocopherol, Calendula Flower Extract, Lavender Oil, Frankincense Resin Oil, Helichrysum Flower Oil 

椰子油,荷荷芭油,橄欖油,蜂蠟,維他命e, 金盞花萃取,薰衣草精油,乳香精油,永久花精油。

Do not use if animals are pregnant or under 10 weeks old. For use with dogs/horses only. Dilute for skin application. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Please note that essential oils are aromatic compounds and different people react differently to the same product. SOFE Aromatherapy does not guarantee the efficacy of the product on different individuals. 

請勿用在未夠10個星期大的寵物身上。只適用於犬及馬。請稀釋精油使用。請放於兒童不能觸及的地方。sofe aromatherapy 並不保證在不同人士/動物身上產品功效的一致性。
