首页 / 退货及退款政策
How to Purchase 1/ Once your order is received, we will try our best to confirm the order in one working day. 2/ All orders are calculated in HKD. 3/ Please kindly proceed payment 2 days within order confirmation. Please kindly note that any exceeded payments will not be entertained. 4/ We will confirm payment and arrange shipment. Customers will receive shipping confirmation email. 🔅Goods will be sent out as soon as possible upon order & payment confirmation. Delivery time depends on courier and will fluctuate. 🛒訂購流程 1/ 當收到閣下的訂單後,本公司將會儘快一個工作天內確認訂單。訂單已經確認,恕不接受退訂。 2/ 本網站內的所有價錢均以港幣計算。請於收到確認電郵2天內付款,逾時作廢。敬請留意。 3/ 轉帳後請保留清晰的收據/付款記錄。 4/ 付款確認後,顧客將會收到電郵通知發貨日期等資料。 🔅貨品將會儘快寄出。收貨時間將根據快遞公司送貨速度而定。 🛍Return and Refund Policy: 📦 Replacement / Return 1. Customers cannot cancel purchase orders upon receiving purchase confirmation, all fees are non-refundable 2. Customer exchanges or returns must be processed within 5 days after the goods go out. The goods must be returned together with the original packaging. 3. Once the goods have been used, modified or damaged due to improper use, no return or exchange will be accepted. Except for factory quality problems. 4. Should the delivered products be damaged or expired, please contact our customer service hotline / Whatsapp at +852-9605-5025or email sales@sofearoma.org within two days of receiving the products, any reports after two days will be dismissed. 5. The original invoice must be present for any replacement / return of products, each item can only be replaced once. 6. Our customer service will contact the buyer for arrangement of the time and date for replacement / return, subject to product stock availability. 7. If the customer pays by non-cash method and requests a cash refund. A 3% handling fee as an administrative fee will be required. 8. Goods will be sent out the next working day upon order & payment confirmation. Delivery time depends on courier and will fluctuate. ** Our Company reserved the rights to make the final decision of acceptance for any replacement / return orders. 📦 換貨退貨 換貨/退貨 1. 訂單一經確認,將無法取消,不設退款服務。 2. 顧客換貨或退貨須於貨品出門5天內辦理。貨品須連同原封包裝退回。 3. 貨品一經使用、修改或因不適當使用而引致損壞,恕不接受退換。出廠品質問題除外。 4. 如閣下所收貨品已損壞或過期,請在收貨日後2天內致電 / Whatsapp +852-9605-5025或電郵 sales@sofearoma.org 顧客服務部安排換貨/ 退貨,逾期無效。 5. 換貨或退貨時必須憑原本所屬正式發票辦理,每件貨品只限退換一次 (必須為同款產品),本公司驗收退貨時將保留接受換貨或退貨與否的權利。 6. 顧客服務部將視乎貨源或其他原因安排退貨或換貨日期並致電通知。 7. 如客人透過非現金方式付款, 並要求以現金方式退款. 需要收回退款銀碼3%作為行政費用. 8. 貨品將會於確認訂單收款後的工作日寄出。收貨時間將根據快遞公司送貨速度而定。