Contact Us
電郵地址: sales@sofearoma.org
電話號碼: 96055025
👉🏻SEN 小朋友的媽媽。臨床芳療師。NAHA芳療導師。營養學家。嬰兒按摩導師。遊戲治療師。希望為所有媽媽提供安全有效的兒童芳療。
👉🏻 Mother of Special Needs child. Clinical Aromatherapist. Aromatherapy Educator. Nutritionist. Infant massage instructor. Play Therapist. Aims to provide safe and effective aromatic lifestyle for all moms and child alike. 👉🏻Authorised retailer of PLANT THERAPY USA 美國PLANT THERAPY 特約經銷商。此網站由Octopus (Hong Kong) Limited 所管理。
📌購物前,請先參閱退貨及退款條例及購物流程須知。Please read through purchasing and return politics before ordering.
📌如有任何爭議,Octopus (Hong Kong) limited 保留最終決定權。Octopus (Hong Kong) limited reserves the final right for all decisions.
客戶服務時間 Customer service
Saturday 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
(Other days rest)
Sofe Aroma保留店鋪營運決定權。
Please follow our Facebook & IG for more info on open hours.
Sofe aroma retains the right to close store without further notice.
🛒 How to Purchase
1/ Once your order is received, we will try our best to confirm the order in one working day.
2/ All orders are calculated in HKD.
3/ Please kindly proceed payment 2 days within order confirmation. Please kindly note that any exceeded payments will not be entertained.
4/ All orders will be sent out on the coming Saturday after payment.
1/ 當收到閣下的訂單後,本公司將會儘快一個工作天內確認訂單。訂單已經確認,恕不接受退訂。
2/ 本網站內的所有價錢均以港幣計算。 請於收到確認電郵2天內付款,逾時作廢。敬請留意。
3/ 轉帳後請保留清晰的收據/付款記錄。
4/ 付款後,所有貨品會於付款後的星期六送出。