購物滿 HKD 400.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

Courses and Media 課程及媒體

Our comprehensive courses in aromatherapy and nutrition including bug repellent, child aromatherapy, corporate workshops are all designed to support your journey towards natural living for your everyday needs. 我們致力於提供芳療及營養課程,包括兒童芳療,驅蟲精油,企業團隊建立工作坊等, 歡迎預約|線上、現場芳療咨詢。謝謝

Media 媒體

Courses 課程

如欲查詢,可以email helenachi@sofearoma.org 獲取更多訊息!Please email helenachi@sofearoma.org for more information!