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有機檸檬尤加利精油 Organic Lemon Eucalyptus Kidsafe Essential Oil 10 ml



Botanical Name: Corymbia citriodora Country of Origin: Madagascar 馬達加斯加🇲🇬 Extraction Method:Steam Distilled 蒸餾 Plant Part:Leaves Strength of Aroma: Medium 中音 Aromatic Scent: Light, sweet lemony citronella-type scent 清新帶有檸檬香的香茅味道 KidSafe®:Yes 兒童安全 Pregnancy Safe:Yes 孕期安全 Nursing Safe:Yes 哺乳安全 Pup & Pony Safe:Yes 適合犬隻 - Supports a healthy respiratory system 保持呼吸道暢順健康 - Can make time outdoors more enjoyable 驅蟲驅蚊,更能和陽光玩遊戲 - Freshens the air 淨化空氣 - Calming to the spirit 安撫情緒 - Great for sore muscle relief 對關節與肌肉的僵硬有止痛效果 - Anti-inflammatory 消炎止痛,對於關節炎,尿道炎,陰道炎或者重複性損傷導致的發炎現象有很好的舒緩



  • Calming to the spirit with its sweet lemony aroma.
  • A wonderful air freshener and can help support a healthy respiratory system.
  • Good anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial essential oil, great for arthritis, vaginitis or Urethritis.

❊ 檸檬尤加利常用來處理筋骨勞損,止痛效果佳。

❊ 主要成分為香茅醛,是絕佳的驅蟲劑,可以淨化環境與空氣。

❊ 止痛消炎,抗菌,對於關節炎,尿道炎,陰道炎或者重複性損傷導致的發炎現象有很好的舒緩


Blends Well With適合調香的精油:

Basil Linalool, Cajeput, Cedarwood Atlas, Citronella, Frankincense Carteri, Ginger Root CO2, Lavender, Lemon, Spearmint and Tea Tree.



Directions 用法:

Diffuse & Inhale: Breathe in your favorite essential oils using an essential oil diffuser or personal pocket inhaler.

FOOT SOAK: Combine 10 drops of Lemon Eucalyptus, 10 drops of Tea Tree and 4 drops of Lavender (Spike), and 2 oz of the carrier oil of your choosing. Stir into 2 oz pink Himalayan salt, scoop one tea spoon and dispersing well before soaking feet for 15 minutes in a tub of water. 

SHAMPOO: Add to 1 tablespoon of your shampoo: 1 drop of Lemon Eucalyptus and 2 drops of Rosemary. Massage well into the scalp, rinsing well before using conditioner.

《BUG OFF》: Combine 16 drops Patchouli, 10 drops Cedarwood Atlas and 4 drops Lemon Eucalyptus in Polysorbate 20 (manufacturer's recommended amount). Add to 2 oz of witch hazel in a glass spray bottle.


❊ 可以10滴檸檬尤加利,10滴茶樹精油,4滴穗花薰衣草 + 2 oz 基底油混合2oz 喜馬拉雅浴鹽, 用一茶羹放進一盤熱水♨️浸腳15分鐘,可以消除疲勞。

❊ 可以1滴檸檬尤加利 + 2 滴迷迭香加進1茶羹洗髮露,照平常洗髮,防止頭皮屑。

《蟲蟲走開配方》16滴玫瑰草 + 10 滴大西洋雪松 + 4 滴檸檬尤加利 + 精油溶解劑混合2oz 金樓梅花水可以成為驅蟲生力軍!


Ingestion of essential oils are not recommended. Please keep out of reach of children. Please take caution of any drug contraindications Please consult your doctor or a clinical aromatherapist if there are any question especially when you are pregnant, nursing or under doctor's care. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. G6PD deficiency individuals should consult their physicians before using any products. Bottles are filled by volume. Some bottle sizes may not be filled to the top, but do contain the volume of oil specified. Please note that essential oils are aromatic compounds and different people react differently to the same product. SOFE Aromatherapy does not guarantee the efficacy of the product on different individuals. 

口服精油是不建議的。請勿讓兒童觸摸。如正在使用藥物,懷孕或哺乳中或患有g6pd 蠶豆症人士,請先諮詢醫生意見。此產品並不是用來診斷,治療或預防任何疾病。由於精油純露屬於揮發性芳香物質,每個人的反應不一,Sofe Aromatherapy並不保證在不同人士身上產品功效的一致性。


