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有機爪哇香茅精油 Organic Citronella Kidsafe Essential Oil 10 ml



Botanical Name: Cymbopogon winterianus Country of Origin: India, Indonesia, Paraguay 印度,印尼,巴拉圭 Extraction Method:Steam Distilled 蒸餾 Plant Part: Leaves 葉片 Aromatic Scent: Lemony citrus type scent, though it is much softer than actual Lemon with subtle wood tones 檸檬般的柑橘氣味,帶木香的細緻感。 KidSafe®:Yes 兒童安全 Pregnancy Safe:Yes 孕期安全 Nursing Safe: Yes 哺乳安全 Pup & Pony Safe: Yes 適合犬隻 Cautions: Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant or under a doctor's care, consult your physician. External use only. 請勿吞服。請放在兒童無法接觸的地方。如果有皮膚敏感出現,請立即停用。正在服藥或懷孕人士,請尊醫囑。只供外用。


  • Aids in relaxation and helps create a calming environment. 幫助平靜情緒安撫神經。
  • Helps with creativity and is beneficial for dopamine secretion, helping with chronic fatigue. 可以調節多巴胺得分泌,被譽為”創造力精油”,對於慢性疲勞有很好的調節作用。
  • Useful for creating a natural barrier to keep away outdoor bugs. 非常有效,甚至比普通檸檬香茅更加突出。
  • Promotes a healthy respiratory system and helps protect from seasonal illnesses. 幫助維持健康的呼吸系統, 抗菌抗病毒。
  • Extremely good for circulation problems especially with the legs and feet. 對於腿部酸軟,腫脹等循環問題都可以改善,是一種“瘦腳”配方不可或缺的精油。
  • Also helps keep feet healthy when dealing with fungal issues. 抗真菌,對於香港腳或者腳部上的真菌感染非常有幫助。



  1. Dilute 1 - 3 % in carrier oil for topical application 可以稀釋到1-3% 塗抹。
  2. Diffuse with Cinnamon Leaf to help promote a clean atmosphere and protect from seasonal illness. 可以跟肉桂葉一起薰香,淨化室內空氣。

Blends well with適合調香精油:

Bergamot, Cedarwood Virginian, Geranium Bourbon, Lavender, Lemon, Orange Sweet, and Pine Scots.



Ingestion of essential oils are not recommended. Please keep out of reach of children. Please take caution of any drug contraindications Please consult your doctor or a clinical aromatherapist if there are any question especially when you are pregnant, nursing or under doctor's care. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. G6PD deficiency individuals should consult their physicians before using any products. Bottles are filled by volume. Some bottle sizes may not be filled to the top, but do contain the volume of oil specified. Please note that essential oils are aromatic compounds and different people react differently to the same product. SOFE Aromatherapy does not guarantee the efficacy of the product on different individuals. 

口服精油是不建議的。請勿讓兒童觸摸。如正在使用藥物,懷孕或哺乳中或患有g6pd 蠶豆症人士,請先諮詢醫生意見。此產品並不是用來診斷,治療或預防任何疾病。由於精油純露屬於揮發性芳香物質,每個人的反應不一,Sofe Aromatherapy並不保證在不同人士身上產品功效的一致性。
