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比親親還好複方滾珠精油(預先稀釋)Better than Kisses Kidsafe Essential Oil Pre-diluted Roll-on 10 ml



Aromatic Scent: A soothing herbal delight with a fresh, clean and mildly medicinal scent. 溫柔的草本香氣,清新,乾淨加少許藥的味道。 KidSafe®:Yes 兒童安全 - 幫助支持傷口快速治癒,舒緩紅腫,乾燥,破損的皮膚 - 可以幫助止痛,保持傷口清潔 - 幫助消炎止痛 - 蚊叮蟲咬 - 預先稀釋,即開即用



  • We all know that children are prone to minor owies while growing up. Kisses may always help, but sometimes children need a little more than a kiss to feel better. 
  • Our Better Than Kisses Essential Oil Blend is KidSafe and was specifically formulated for children between the ages 2-10 years old. This roll-on bottle comes pre-diluted in Fractionated Coconut Oil and is ready for immediate use, whenever owies happen. 
  • This blend contains Lavender Essential Oil to help speed healing, plus Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil, Cypress Essential Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil and Blue Tansy Essential Oil. 
  • Better Than Kisses helps support rapid healing and the soothing of red, irritated or damaged skin. Better Than Kisses helps ease the perception of pain, may help reduce the appearance of redness, and helps keep the affected area clean.

❊ 適合2歲以上人士

❊ 清新的香氣,對於舒緩紅腫皮膚,破損等非常有效。

❊ 幫助清潔傷口,令傷口快速癒合。

❊ 薰衣草幫助癒合,甜馬鬱蘭,絲柏,茶樹,藍艾菊幫助止痛消炎。

❊ 已經稀釋到5% ,可以直接塗抹。


Specifically formulated for children ages 2-10. This synergy contains 100% pure essential oils of Lavender, Marjoram Sweet, Cypress, Tea Tree, and Blue Tansy diluted to 5% in Fractionated  Coconut Carrier Oil.


分餾椰子油,薰衣草,甜馬鬱蘭,絲柏,茶樹,藍艾菊 - 全部稀釋到5%

Directions 方法:

After washing the owie with soap and water, apply Better than Kisses to the affected area.



Ingestion of essential oils are not recommended. Please keep out of reach of children. Please take caution of any drug contraindications Please consult your doctor or a clinical aromatherapist if there are any question especially when you are pregnant, nursing or under doctor's care. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. G6PD deficiency individuals should consult their physicians before using any products. Bottles are filled by volume. Some bottle sizes may not be filled to the top, but do contain the volume of oil specified. Please note that essential oils are aromatic compounds and different people react differently to the same product. SOFE Aromatherapy does not guarantee the efficacy of the product on different individuals. 

口服精油是不建議的。請勿讓兒童觸摸。如正在使用藥物,懷孕或哺乳中或患有g6pd 蠶豆症人士,請先諮詢醫生意見。此產品並不是用來診斷,治療或預防任何疾病。由於精油純露屬於揮發性芳香物質,每個人的反應不一,Sofe Aromatherapy並不保證在不同人士身上產品功效的一致性。
