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IPHM 及美國NAHA認證:兒童免疫芳療法 - 線上班 Aromatherapy and Immunity Online Short Course



✅根據最新科學研究期刊 According to the latest Scientific Articles ✅免疫系統及病毒細菌講解 Decipher the Immune system, Virus and Bacteria ✅9種提高免疫精油植物油概論 - 包括新興精油 9 Essential Oils to Uplift the Immunity ✅材料包一套自製提高免疫DIY聞香棒 Material Pack for DIY Aromatherapy ✅ 講義一份 Course notes ✅提供配方選擇 Different formulas to choose from ✅ 安在家中愉快線上學習 Learn online from the comfort of your home ✅專為小朋友+大人而設💗 For the Whole Family ✅美國NAHA證書課程 NAHA Certified


對於病毒細菌,雖然我們可以依靠現代醫療來打敗它們,但最重要的還是我們自身的免疫能力,很多家長包括我都非常留意怎樣提高小朋友免疫力。With advancement in medicine, bacteria and virus seems insignificant sometimes. However, the most important thing would still be our Immune System and that's the area of concern for alot of parents. 


This short online course will give you tips on how to uplift our children's immunity for better health!


3月8日3 - 5 pm

3月15日 7-9 pm


課程概覽 Course Outline:

✅根據最新科學研究期刊 According to the latest Scientific Articles
✅免疫系統及病毒細菌講解 Decipher the Immune system, Virus and Bacteria
✅9種提高免疫精油植物油概論 - 包括新興精油 9 Essential Oils to Uplift the Immunity
✅材料包一套自製提高免疫DIY聞香棒 Material Pack for DIY Aromatherapy 
✅提供配方選擇 Different formulas to choose from 
✅專為小朋友+大人而設💗 For the Whole family
✅美國NAHA 授權SOFE AROMATHERAPY 頒發證書課程 NAHA Certified course

✅IPHM Accredited 


All participants will get:

          1️⃣精油+植物油 9 支 (每枝~1ml) - 9 essential oils and base oils (Each 0.5 ml)

          2️⃣精美精油小盒 (A cute little pouch for essential oils)

          3️⃣吸聞棒 1 支+棉芯2支 Personal Inhaler with 2 wicks

          4️⃣無味精油貼紙6片 (1張精油貼紙)(6x Essential oil stickers - 1 full sheet




  • IFPA IFA NAHA Certified Clinical Aromatherapist
  • NAHA Continued Education Provider
  • IPHM Accredited Training Provider
  • Registered Nutritionist
  • Certified Infant Massage Instructor
  • Play Therapist
  • KDCA Perfumer
  • University of British Columbia - Bachelor of Science (Food Nutrition and Health)
